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Parents and Alumnae

 We are always excited to share with you the newest updates from Alpha Phi Delta Nu and we hope that you look forward to keeping in touch with us! Feel free to reach out to Zoë Fluet, our Director of Parent and Alumnae Relations at any time.



Joining this organization means that you will always have a home in Alpha Phi well beyond active membership. It is never too early or too late to be involved with your chapter of Alpha Phi! We are committed to helping alumnae become more involved with our chapter. Alumnae are always welcome home and are encouraged to stay connected by attending events such as Homecoming, Initiation, Founders’ Day and Alumnae Weekend. 


We recognize that, as parents, you are dedicated to ensure that your daughter has the best possible collegiate experiance. Alpha Phi sisters at UMaine share in this goal and will provide a special home for your daughter while in college and for a lifetime.

You can also be confident that your daughter will find opportunities in Alpha Phi that will propel her to be successfull throughout the course of her lifetime. Alpha Phi grants academic support, community service opportunities, commitment and leadership, and sisterhood and support. 



Our members take academics very seriously, which shows in our scholarship program. We support your daughter’s vision to excel and to be a leader in and out of the classroom. We hope to foster your daughter’s creativity and drive in all aspects of her collegiate experience. The Delta Nu chapter is also very proud to announce that we earned the #1 Panhellenic GPA this past semester. Through hard work and dedication, our sisters achieve academic excellence that is encouraged and reinforced within our chapter.​




At the Delta Nu chapter of Alpha Phi, we are committed to your daughter’s membership experience. Our Founders’ vision was to create a women’s organization based on sisterhood, scholarship and service. Today, we still hold these values in all that we do, and to each member. Each sister in our midst is loved and appreciated for who she is, and she is always encouraged to be the best version of herself that she can be. We praise and reward sisters for their successes and express concern and compassion when times get tough. College is an experience full of ups and downs, but it sure is a lot easier with over 60 loving sisters by your side.



This is a concept that began with our Founders, who bonded together to support each other for mutual growth. Watchcare has three components: the preservation of human dignity, risk management and the development of solid values and ethics to help our members make appropriate decisions. This offers the foundation for our members that hand in hand we will stay safe and grow to meet our highest potential.



Alpha Phi was founded by ten women, and when these women were denied entrance into men’s fraternities, they decided to create their own and begin a path of sisterhood and friendship. At Alpha Phi, we uphold the traditions started by these ten remarkable women. Upholding our traditions is one of the most remarkable parts of being apart of Alpha Phi. While we live in the present, our preservation of tradition binds us all together from coast to coast, from past to present.


Alpha Phi Delta Nu 

Hancock Hall

University of Maine

Orono, Maine

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